Friday, August 19, 2005

The Birds of Retail

Canada Geese hanging from the ceiling of the Toronto Eaton Center. It's scary to think how many times this picture has been taken. I had to wait my turn to take this picture and according to the Eaton Center web site, the Eaton Center is Toronto's (and therfore probably Canada's?)#1 tourist attraction. These geese are the symbol of the Eaton Center and even make it into the logo (top).Given that the Eaton Center opened in 1997, Canada Geese were probably still kind of a cool bird. Not so much now - although some people apparently care. Their population seems to have exploded and geese can be seen occupying any green area, particularly near water. Ask any golfer. Strangest place I ever saw Canada Geese was a small (very) patch of grass at the entrance to London's Heathrow Airport. It's not clear whether they flew themselves or took Air Canada.

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