Where all the hot air comes from. Windmill on the grounds of the Canadian National Exhibition. Called
Windshare, this is a project of the Toronto Renewable Energy Coalition. In a 50/50 partnership with Toronto Hydro, Windshare owns this ExPlace turbine and the power it generates.
This is a noble cause and no question there are opportunities for windpower to help reduce power costs in office buildings, condos, etc. But the reality is VERY modest - as in powering the lobby lights in these buidings - not running them. Europe in particular is much further ahead of North America in this regard. However, Ontario/Toronto is living on the edge of an acute energy shortage, for which unfortunately,
windpower will not be the answer. Currently, there only is one answer - but nobody wants it. Nuclear. This answer is so politically incorrect that it has stymied the building of any new power generating sources in the Province of Ontario for many years. As a result, Ontario purchases much of its power requirements from others, at costs well above the ceiling set by the government for consumers to pay. Everyone knows there's a crisis coming but no one so far is smart enough or ballsy enough to do what's required to fix the situation.
Alternative Energy