For as long as I can remember, Toronto has had a reputation for being a clean city. Almost always, that's a comparison to American cities of similar size. Overall, I guess that's probably true. It's actually what struck me about this photograph which is taken just below the CN Tower - probably one of the busiest tourist areas in the city. Of course it's early - but there were still perhaps 20 buses on the scene. Not all areas are like this though. And from my perspective, there's no question the Toronto the clean has been in decline for years. Garbage is actually a huge issue for Toronto as their isn't enough local capacity for the tons of crap the city produces every day. So, much to the dismay of environmentalists and residents of Michigan, the city sends something like 125 truckloads of garbage across the border to the US every day. What is it they say...one man's garbage is another man's gold?! Here's the City of Toronto's 'Facts About Trash'.
TAGS: Toronto, Toronto Skyline